Sunday, April 02, 2006

Signs of Spring


I am so sorry little bird, I really didn't mean to uncover your nest and take away it's moorings. A lamp post off our back deck has become totally overrun by old ivy in the last 2-3 years, and this was the week I decided to remove it all. Little did I know that this nest was resident among the topmost parts, and I had nearly destroyed it before I realized it was there. Too late, I saw a third egg fall from the nest into the masses of ivy below.

We have to admire her sense of style, don't we? Who among us would think of using silver tinsel from old Christmas trees to decorate our nests?

(There are two more photos below this one.)

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sage said...

Your heart shows through your words as you grieve for the bird whose nest was distrubed. It's not much of a consolation, but you got a good picture out of it.

Anonymous said...

Just this morning, my 2 year old brought me a perfect, tiny bird egg when we were out in our backyard. Just as I said, "Honey, where did you find that?" he dropped it on our concrete patio. He was a mess of tears.

Sandy said...

What a lovely photo. I'm using this as an excuse to put off some major trimming projects around our property. :)

Michele sent me over.

Tracy S said...

It is so funny what birds will use to make nests...She must Martha Stewart eh? Great photo btw..

Michele sent me and I am glad she did :)

I just love Spring...

Mahala said...


Anonymous said...

Oh that is soooooo sweet. I love birds but I can't feed them or encourage them to come around due to two energetic kitty cats...

barbie2be said...

spring has sprung...

michele sent me. :)

Anonymous said...

This is sad but not too sad-looks like either a sparrow or robin and both are quite willing to do it all over again with nary a look back. And yes, this use of tinsel has it hands down over Martha and her glitter!

Lazy Daisy said...

Ahh....great picture of the nest though.I love your pictures of the cat and the old copies of sheet music. I always enjoy visiting you...(I love the eye cany!) Michele sent me.

millie garfield said...

That pictureput a smile on myface.


TLP said...

*sigh* Well, there's time for the mama to start over. Too bad, but it's not your fault.

Love the kitty photo.

carmilevy said...

You've touched us with your empathy. May every bird in your yard be so gently thought of.

srp said...

We have one little bird trying to make a nest in one of the bushes. I think he must be a yearling because his building skills are not the best. We put out some lint from the dryer, some of the long silky cat hair from a brushing and some little colorful clippings of yarn. The birds have been quite busy today with these.

Jacqui said...

Hi, I just got a cyber rap over the knuckles from Peter for not answering the comments on my blog, it wasn't that I didn't want to I just didn't know how, well Peter also gave me the instructions, so here I am saying thankyou for visiting BearsGalore, and I hope you come again soon. I just loved your spring photos, Iris are one of my very favourtie flowers so I will be back to see them.

Eddie said...

With all that pollen in the air, be sure and take your locally produced honey.
I believe if you get the locally produced honey in your sytem, which has the local pollen in it, well, it is sort of like a flu shot - in my medically challenged mind.