Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm Out.....

out of ideas for blogging, so I'll show you a photo of a table in my living room, and how I was able to use 2 antique pieces of fabric to good advantage.

I didn't have a tablecloth long enough to cover this table to the floor, which it needed in this location. I remembered I had the crocheted piece which my aunt had given me, which is really a cover for a four-poster bed. I can't remember the name of that right now. The lace piece is really too large, but I was able to puddle it up on the back side and it doesn't show.

It needed an overlay, and I didn't have that either - or so I thought - until I remembered the old green, embroidered portiere that had belonged to my mom. It has wonderful tassels on the bottom, and a pretty embroidered floral garland and scroll. Even though it is asymetrical, I think it looks pretty good. BTW: a portiere is a curtain which hangs across a doorway.

The raspberry pink glass you see is actually a lampshade for an antique lamp (also mom's), but the lamp is hidden behind the pedestal on which the ivy plant sits. The green glass piece to the left is an old tobacco humidor and the tray on top is painted Toleware, made by my aunt in the 60's. My aunt became a regular Grandma Moses when it came to painting Toleware. Someday I'll show you my collection of her stuff.

The glassware in the window sills is part of my mom's collection of Blenko and Fostoria from WV. As a teenager, my Saturday duty was to dust the main areas of our house. I used to complain terribly about having to dust all the knick knacks, especially the glassware. But you see where it ended up, don't you? I have some in nearly every window of my home. It just goes to show you, we all turn into our mothers whether we want to or not.
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srp said...

Nice use of the fabric. Mom keeps all her very, very old glass in the hutch, away from the little paws of kitties who don't always sit where they are supposed to.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That looks absoultely beautiful Judy....I think the table covers were inspired! And I love all the beautiful knick knacks. Would love to see close up photo's of each and every one. AND, the thing your Aunt made...I want to know more about that, too! You may not feel you have anything to blog about but I loved this post. And all the beautiful things you showed us, too.

doubleknot said...

Such a nice arrangement and with found objects - my daughter has that touch but I am afraid I just enjoy looking at other's pretty pictures. You have so much family memories going on in your 'found objects' also.

Linda said...

What a beautiful and peaceful setting you created. It's wonderful that you can combine so many pieces of your life and make such a warm place out of it. I want to come sit by the table with my cup of tea and read a book!

Michele sent me!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Lovely arrangement and a nice idea, very creative!

Anonymous said...

Hi again, just thought I'd come and say hello. Here via Michele's.

Leslie Shelor said...

Your table and glassware makes a charming picture! I covered a table in my bedroom with an old quilt, and it's a favorite item in my house. Wonderful post!

Thanks for visiting my blog via Michele!

Anonymous said...

Judy, you are so creative and make things so beautiful! I probably would have just used some newspaper (the funny papers, of course) and made it a "conversation piece" ;-)

utenzi said...

I like the green tablecloth but since I absolutely HATE to dust, I try to keep the knick-knacks and such to a minimum. I must admit though, that seeing a display like you have there, Judy, makes me understand why people keep them. That really looks great.

Chancy said...

I hope you run out of ideas for posts again real soon. ;)
This was a real treat and I adore what you have done with the crocheted piece and the green portiere overlay (btw the four poster bed word is "canopy". The entire arrangement is pretty enough to be painted as a still life. Where is Cezanne when we need him?

Anonymous said...

I can see that you're as good at decorating rooms as you are with arranging flowers! It's beautiful and so inviting.

Jamie Dawn said...

I like the tassles!

The glassware in the windows looks so pretty.

I have a pink serving plate, candy dish, and bowl of my Gramillo's that is so pretty. I have many of her things, but your post reminded me of those pieces.

Anonymous said...

Ah, kenju, how thoughtful of you to define "portiere" so that I didn't have to drag out a dictionary. Thank you. The table cover is creative and looks great!

You may dust the collection; however, as I agree with utenzi on dusting. When we built this house, I had cabinets built into the dining room (about 8 or 9 feet wide, I don't recall) with the upper doors having glass fronts so that we may observe, without dusting, my grandmother-in-law's china and such. In the basement, the upper cabinets also have glass fronts so that our collection of mugs can be seen without dusting. Well, I've washed all of the stuff in the dining room cabinet once since we moved in. It looks like something that should be done every four years. As the cabinet doors in the basement virtually never get opened, I haven't even looked to see if dust is accumulating.
Cop Car

Anonymous said...

I also hope you run out of ideas for posts again soon! I love seeing what other people have done with their homes. This is really pretty Judy.

I've got a crocheted tablecloth that is a little bit similar to yours, but is in the closet at the moment. seeing this picture makes me want to get it out again and decorate. It was a wedding present years ago, and I use it from time to time in different rooms.
And after reading this post, I think i'm going to go make my girls dust all the knick knacks. (g)

Anonymous said...

I love that look!!

Anonymous said...

That's very pretty; it reminds me of my sister's house. Your styles are different but she has the knack for creating pretty spaces, too.

I love old glass and have some pieces that were my granny's that I use every day. My other granny had a Fostoria tea pitcher that weighed a ton, but I loved it. That's the first picture that comes to mind when I hear the word Fostoria.

Carolyn said...

So pretty, Judy! And what a clever idea combining the 2. They really compliment each other and the table looks great in that window!

Anonymous said...

I have already written about my love affair with Fostoria. I love the arrangement. Using old fabric the way you did makes everything look so cozy.

Well, I am off to explore and find some old fabric!

Weary Hag said...

Your home makes mine look like a barren winter cabin waiting to be reopened in summer. I swear.

Lovely picture!

Kim said...

Not me. I turned into my dad.

Just seeing the word "portiere" reminded me of that scene in "Gone With the Wind" when Scarletts needs a dress and starts ripping the curtains down.

Mammy says: Oh no you don't, dem's Miss Ellen's portieres! And Scarletter replies, "They're MY portieres now!

At least you didn't make a dress out of it....the table looks beautiful that way....