Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

but I did say I'd show you the rest of the irises when they bloomed.

The blooms are heavy, so at least 5-6 stems of them have fallen over and are laying on the azaleas behind them.

Yesterday, my neighbor called and asked me to come over and see her yard. It is a showplace, and should be in a magazine. I would estimate at least 500 tulips in full bloom over there, and such blooms we have seldom seen outside of Holland! They are huge blossoms (about 3 1/2-4") and they stand about 2 feet tall. She gave me an armload of them, and now their orange and yellow blooms grace my living room and kitchen. It is too bad I didn't get to take a photo of them for you. I'll have to do that next year. Tomorrow, their tulips (which are only beginning to show signs of aging) will be ripped out of the soil and replaced with something just entering its prime (usually begonias). It is nice to live near such beautiful displays, but it puts a lot of pressure on a non-gardener, like I am!


Star said...

You are much more a gardener than I am. My neighbors on either side have beautiful gardens. I just enjoy them., Every once in a while I remind them to weed!

Daisy said...

I LOVE spring flowers. I love tulips and daffodils. My Grandmother used to have a garden full of daffodils. All shapes, sizes and colors.

Sue said...

Here from Michele's the iris' as well as the living room table below :)

dorothy rothschild said...

I loooove irises. They won't be in bloom up here though for several more weeks.

Duke_of_Earle said...

Wow. Praise like that coming from a florist tells me that those must be SOME TULIPS indeed! Get any pictures?


Anonymous said...

Tulips are my favorite flower, all time. I saw a listing in the paper recently of all the tulip festivals around here. I'd love to take one in this weekend.

I have hostas in my "garden". Do those count for anything? *snort*

Jamie Dawn said...

I appreciate the beauty of flowers. It doesn't matter if your garden is inferior to the neighbors or not. Flowers are so beautiful.
Tulips are a spectacular flower. One of my favorites.

jsdaughter said...

beautiful flowers.. thank you for sharing..
Michele sent me

Paste said...

They're not so bad, most people are better gardeners than they think! Here from Michele's today.

Kristi said...

So pretty. Our irises don't appear here in the NE until summertime, so I'll admire yours while I wait!

Anonymous said...

Wow, great post title. Wel, for me it is. One of my favorite songs by Kathi Burg is called that. Which reminds me, I still need to write that review I prommised. Anyway, be thankful you have a garden and are around such beautiful flowers (even if they are not yours) because city life is no picnic. At least my condo complex is landscaped well.

Anonymous said...

well you may be a non-gardener, but you must be doing something right beause they sure are pretty!

Anonymous said...

Wow! At least you have's way too early here in Colorado. Michele sent me!
Nice gardening touch you have.

Carolyn said...

Lovely they are! I so hope to find a new house w/plenty of room to grow flowers :)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Would love to have seen these tulips in the ground or even in your house! How wonderful that you have such a prolific gardener for a neighbor, Judy!
The Irses look very beautiful, btw!

srp said...

Our irises are not doing much yet. Mom was looking at something on TV today, 30 giant buttercups? or something. Dad and I just shook our heads. We just finished putting in the 24, 4 o'clocks.... now 30? I don't think we can take it.

Anonymous said...

I want to plant some sunflowers.

Anonymous said...

I love tulips.. sigh..such a pretty romantic flower..hope you enjoy them!

utenzi said...

I love flowers too, Judy. I put a picture of a few Irises on my picture blog the other day. They're not mine tho--they're in my girlfriend's backyard. Irises look so beautiful but like so many flowers they never stay around long enough. I really love tulips but it's the same story with them. So beautiful and then they're gone. *sigh*

Leslie Shelor said...

My favorite flowers are Iris, but it will be awhile before they bloom here. I was gifted with some rhisomes from friends and should have a nice show later. Your border is charming!

CP said...

Nice blog! I'm glad I dropped by. Your blog will NOT be listed as something anyone hates!

Annie said...

Thankyou for sharing these gorgeous photos. I have agggges to go before there's any sign of tulips here so your pictures were very much appreciated!

Here via Michele

Thorn said...

beautiful Iris! I have some this year and can't wait for them to bloom!...thorn

Weary Hag said...

The Irises are wonderful. Nice work, Judy!

Five hundred tulips? Holy mackeral!

Kim said...

Let everyone else do the gardening, you make the artwork that comes from their efforts! : )