Monday, March 13, 2006

Sorry, everyone......

Too sick to post.......I'll be back when I can sit up.


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better quickly. Take good care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh Judy! Sorry to read this! Hope you feel better soon!

BarbaraMG said...

Hope you are feeling better!

sage said...

Get well Kenju!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Aw, gee, Judy. That's too bad. Take your time. You have been posting up a storm, so you deserve a rest. Peace.

MaR said...

Get well soon!! :)

Lisa said...

Get well soon dear Judy!!!!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh Judy...You poor dear...
I hope you feel better very very soon...Chicken soup! Lots of Kosher Chicken Soup....I t use to be called Jewish Penicillin!

Anonymous said...'re really down for the count. No blogging! Yup, my nursing assessment tells me this is serious stuff. Wishing you a quick recovery!
I'm leaving to go out of town tomorrow and will catch up with you next which point I hope you're feeling much better.

Peter said...

See you when you feel better Judy.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon, honey. Hope you get some rest today!

Moon said...

Sorry to hear that your not feeling so hot. Hope you're up and about soon..untill then though, take good care of yourself.

TLP said...

Sorry. Hope you're better soon.

dorothy rothschild said...

Take care, get lots of rest, drink lots of water, and get well soon.

Weary Hag said...

That's the only problem with grandchildren ... we need to devise a way for them to keep their little germ-ee-poos to themselves!

Feel better soon, Judy!

Carolyn said...

Oh dear! I just recently got over it so I feel your pain. Get well soon, Kenju!

Daisy said...

Feel better soon, Judy!!

Pat said...

If you are chesty prop yourself up with pillows and sleep sleep sleep. Warmest wishes.

dena said...

Hope you're feeling better, and soon back to posting.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of sleep and get well soon!

utenzi said...

Get well soonest, Judy. Let me know if you need any chicken soup. I saw an episode of Food-911 with a recipe for chicken soup and have been wanting to use it ever since.

YellowRose said...

Sending you well wishes and chicken soup! Feel better soon!!

Jamie Dawn said...

Get lots of rest and drink lots of OJ.

Star said...

Feel better soon. We miss your posts!

Anonymous said...

Its been going around Judy. I'm thinking of you, chickadee. Get better.

Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

Hugs and good wishes aimed your way, Judy. Feel better soon!

millie garfield said...


Try some hot chicken soup, even doctors say that's the way to feel better.

Hot tea with honey, good too.

Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Feel better soon.

Traci Dolan said...

Get well soon!

Chancy said...

I am so sorry you are sick Judy. I had this bad flu about 3 weeks ago and I hate to tell you that it lasts a good 2 weeks before the chest clears up. I saw on the news that it is going around the Eastern Seaboard. If it gets bad in your chest go see( or call) your doctor.

Just rest and drink liquids and get well soon.


Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. Miss reading you.

Pat said...

Its my birthday today so you have to get better. Please.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon

Anonymous said...

oo,ooh- feel better soon. Zicam plus Nyquil makes for a spacey experience of the whole thing- you'll remember it as you wearing gold and fur trimmed blue satin and looking, albiet pale, like the most beautiful Flemish woman ever painted.

kontan said...

feel better soon!

Zee said...

I hope you are feeling better today. I've been sick for the longest, too.

Get well soon. :)

Merle said...

Hi Judy ~~ I do hope you are feeling better. It is terrible being sick, but at least you know we are all thinking of you. Good wishes for your recovery.
Cheers, Merle.