Friday, March 31, 2006

Has Martha Gone Mad?

I watched a few minutes of her show today and I think she has gone off the deep end. Why on earth would anyone ever cover a chair with glitter?

She has a new magazine coming out - called "Glitter" - and today was the unveiling. Some guys named Rob and Orlando were the guests, and when the segment was over, they all had glitter from stem to stern, in all the nooks and crannies.

Martha says that if you glitter a chair (this one was upholstered), you'll get lots of compliments on it. Pooh! Why would anyone ever want to sit in a chair that is guaranteed to paste up your backside with tons of glitter?

The magazine photo above has the caption "I cannot be destroyed". Well, I am here to tell you that glitter can't either. If you glitter anything, you will have vestiges of glitter around for eons. I guess Martha doesn't have to sweep it up, though, so maybe that's why she doesn't seem to care.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kenju! Michele sent me!
I doubt I would even consider a glittered chair. Dog hair is enough for me.

goldenlucyd said...

Thanks for making my morning, Kenju. What a great post! I'll add one observation. If The Lovely Martha doesn't sweep glitter out of her carpets it's because it simply can't be done. I think it's where the inspiration for Velcro came from.

Since making this discovery I only use glitter in the bathroom. But hardly ever on the toilet seat.

And I said I wasn't crafty!

Greg Finnegan said...

Great post, and I think that your diagnosis is right on. Her fellow prisoners demanded that she be released for THEIR sanity!

Next will be a line of bed linen with fine Aruban sand.

The Gnat's Trumpet said...

I thought she was supposed to be stylish. Glitter is horrible. Good post. Michele sent me.

Thumper said...

Was it an April Fool's show...? Or is she on crack...? Inquiring minds want to know.

Here via Michele's this time :)

Jamie Dawn said...

Glittering a chair??? That's nutty!

Glitter is for craft projects, not furniture.
I agree with you.

Moon said...

OMG I have to agree with all the above lol...what are they thinking? ..I enjoy many of her tips and whatnot on the show but that takes just wrong.
Have u ever noticed also that she often askes her guest questions about whatever but never lets them finish what they are saying? It drives me crazy...I realize its a live show but she often interupts with drivel about whatever and not really listened to what her guest is or was saying? Am I the only one to notice this? I am curious.

Janet said...

I just saw the same show. No doubt it was an April Fools show. I thought it was absolutely brilliant! Did you notice the sink full of dirty dishes? Or the segment on how to dye your plants to match your decor? Too funny!

ƒåυνέ said...

lol I couldn't agree with you more!

Here via Michele's

Ralph said...

Who in their right mind would set in it?

OldHorsetailSnake said...

WHY did you watch this? (Shame Division.)

Merle said...

Hi Judy ~~ Sounds like a crazy idea.
Maybe it was a joke. I thought she would
have better taste than that. Cheers,

Anonymous said...

Martha is one of those self-perpetuating freaks of business.

I have no idea how she manages to stay alive.

Here via Michele's. ;)

srp said...

I think it was an April Fool's Day show. It has to be, her things are never that "flashy".

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about dyeing my fish to match my decor. And the plants. And then putting glitter on the plants.

Weary Hag said...

Ew. Just ew.

utenzi said...

No doubt an April Fools Day show, Judy, but I've always found Martha Stewart to be self absorbed and a at least a trifle evil. She's Donald Trump with a better publicist.

Carolyn said...

Glitter? That's so "disco deco", lol! She should dispense w/that idea-- and cut her bangs! I can't stand watching her toss them out of her eyes all the time ;D

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed seeing this bit of Martha insanity. Glitter? Where is Martha coming from. . . redneck trailer park decorating school?